Ranchito elementary received a technology grant during 2015/2016 school year. The grant was matched with school funds to allow the use of technology school-wide. This funding allowed us to purchase chrome-books for second through fifth grade students. During the 2016-2017 school year every two classrooms from second through fifth grade shares 30 chrome books.


Ranchito elementary received a Physical Education grant that allowed primary grade students to participate in a structured P.E. program once per week this school year. The grant provided a physical education teacher on Mondays and provided funds to purchase equipment to be used by students during P.E.
Hello, my name is Mr. Alevras. I’m the P.E.T.I.P. physical education teacher at Ranchito. We are in the second year of the program. The Physical Education Teacher Itinerant Program (PETIP) was established to help meet the physical education minutes and standards requirements. The goal is to provide quality physical education instruction to elementary students.
Physical education has a mandated time requirement of 100 minutes per week. The State of California Education Department has established standards for each grade level that should be taught during the school year by a credentialed classroom teacher or a credentialed physical education teacher.
Throughout this program, every child learns specific concepts related to physical education as well as how to perform specific skills. Students are expected to “know” and “do” physical education. Physical education not only increases your child’s overall health, but it also helps improve their academic performance, school attendance, and behavior.