YS - Youth Service » YS - Youth Service

YS - Youth Service

Youth Services Program
Grades 2-5


Youth Services (YS) - grades 2-5 - Participating students are given supper and everybody receives free supper if they stay in the after school program. Coaches Ruben and Hector teach participating students the fundamentals of sports. Students have the opportunity to participate in the following sport activities: flag football, basketball softball and soccer throughout the school year. These students play on Saturdays with other YS schools.
During the last hour the coaches Ruben and Hector provide homework support in the auditorium for 1 hour.
If interested, please fill out an application to enroll your child in the YS program.
Students participate in the program for dismissal time to 6:00 p.m.
*Students are not allowed to bring toys, electronics or any valuables.
*Phones must be kept in student's backpack as per district policy, students must ask supervisor to use phone for emergency purposes only.
*Coaches have cell phone to contact parents when necessary.
*School and program rules are strictly enforced. Students not following rules will be issued a warning letter and in some cases they can be suspended from the program indefinitely.
The YDP/YS Winter Performance will be on Friday, December 15th, 2017 at 4:30 in the auditorium.